Musical Experience
This page aims to show some of my musical experience from 2021 to nowBUAA Symphony Orchestra

with bass players,2021

with flute player Mr.Zhou,2021 ---------------- practicing, 2022

with famous conductor Mr. Jin Gang,2021

Performing in the "Green Garden"

Recording bass

Jaming with Guitar, giving performance in the University

Performing with band in the singing competation

Recording the original song for graduation in B.2 Studio

Playing guitar at the top of the "Arthur's Seat"

post of "The Population Explosion"-----members of "The Population Explosion" band
For more information, picture, and video of "The Population Explosion", please visit this
Beijing Imperial 9 Symphony Orchestra,2021-2024

with Imperial 9, Shenzhen, Shanghai
China East Symphony Orchestra,2021

with China East, Shenyang
Home Studio