Film Composing:
"Boys & A Bird"(男孩与鸟) cooperated with director Wen(from Beijing), nominated for the Academy Award at the Beijing Film Academy, 2022"Phantom Hearing"(幻听) cooperated with director Wen(from Beijing), won the Silver Award in the Animation category at the National College Students' Platinum Creative Arts Competition, 2021
"Love in White Night" cooperated with director Li(from HongKong) about to be publicated, 2024
"Journey"(desert) personal short composition for a video game, 2023
"Journey"(under sea) personal short composition for a video game, 2023
"Journey"(snow mountain) personal short composition for a video game,2023
Game Composing:
"snake X Battle(day)" with game designer(Zhou, etc) from University of Michigan, 2023Music Programming/Software:
"Growth" an interactive drone music software project, made with JUCE, about to release code on github,2024 Description/Project Brief"Cloud's Synthesizer" a whole unique synthesizer made with JUCE, about to release code on github, 2022 Description/Project Brief
"Chaotic Memory" a piece of computer music describing my broken pieces of memory, programmed with supercollider, 2021
Interactive Sound Design
"Flying" an interactive sound design project, mainly describing the interaction between music and aircraft flight attitude, 2023 Description/Project Briefmore projects are being developed......
Original Songs
"秋叶"(Leaves) basically describe my mind duiring the last few days in my undergraduate school, 2022
"工厂废料"(industrial waste) basically describe some of the weird things I met in these years, 2024
Music Performance
"Concerto for double bass in E major" recorded in 2018, double bass"无地自容"(No Place To Be) recorded in 2021, drumset, electric guitar, electric bass, keyboard, vocal.
"Bohemian Rhapsody" 2022 school singing competation, vocal